The Bungard CCD/2 is a high quality Computer Controlled Drilling machine with manual tool change. It allows direct processing of Excellon/Sieb&Meyer drill data or HP/GL data for PCB production (drilling, milling, isolation routing) and milling/routing of plastics, aluminium or other metal panels.
Compared to the CCD/MTC, it has 1/2 of the working area and a built-in control unit.
Extend of delivery:
- Mechanics unit
- Built-in control unit, full set of cables
- High speed, long life spindle with quick stop brake and load control
- Manual, semi automatic tool change, 99 out of 99 tools per job
- Integral depth limiter and pressure foot
- Windows driver software RoutePro 2008 / RoutePro3000 for drilling and routing
- Powerful 500-2000 Watt (adjustable) vacuum cleaner, remote controlled
Special features:
- Mechanics unit: rigid and flat construction with low moving weights and high quality bearings for high-speed positioning
- Machine bed with universal fixture system, suitable for clamp or span fixing or for reference pins (fiducials)
- KaVo high precision spindle motor, 150 Watt, 63 000 rpm, with heavy-duty long-life bearings, including 1/8″ (3.2 mm) chuck
- Software controlled spindle speed. Electronic spindle load control with software feedback
- Spindle quick stop (1s) DC brake and speed-up booster
- Heavy duty 2×2 phase high-torque stepper motors on all 3 axes for true milling capability and correct tool speed
- Resolution: 0,0001mm (0,1µm)
- All X/Y and Z traverse speed, working speed, working depth, spindle rpm and depth iterations individually configured on a per-tool basis, resulting in:
- Always adequate cutting speed over the entire spindle RPM range, no need for 100 K rpm spindles, no excessive wear to costly spindle bearings
- Standard travel area: 270 x 325 x 37 mm (larger machines available)
- Quick manual tool change by turning a knob, with machine position locked, no recalibration of height required
- Smallest tool diameter: 0.1 mm (micro end mill at 63 000 rpm)
- Max. hole diameter: infinite
- Integral depth limiting device for isolation milling and engraving on uneven surfaces, work level setting by Z stepper motor, depth fine adjustment with micrometer screw
- Removable, spring-load pressure foot for drilling of flexible and uneven PCBs
- Stack processing of several boards at once (typical stack: three 1.6 mm thick boards plus one underlay/base sheet)
- Working depth not limited by depth sensor, only by tool flute length (standard: 5..10 mm)
- Uses all common PCB drills/mills with 1/8″ shank, with industry-standard length setting by collar
- Board fixture by “fiducials” possible at no extra cost, using standard base sheet material
- Possibility of mounting boards to machine zero point. Clamp fixing devices included with machine, span fixing for heavy-duty milling is possible
- Vacuum board fixation not recommended due to problems with board penetration by drilling
- Built-in control unit connects to all standard PCs with 1 free USB or serial port
- Fully integrated Windows (98..XP; RoutePro3000 XP – Windows 8) driver software for Excellon, Sieb&Meyer or HP/GL data for real-time, on-line machine control, with comfortable user interface, including full tool management and plausibility control
- All machine parameters (speeds, acceleration ramps, X/Y/Z dimensions, scaling) software controlled and configurable
- Easy to use teach-in feature for drill data
- Step definition: Software selectable: 1 mil, 1/2 mil, 1/4 mil (= 6.35 micrometer)
- Precision +/- 1 step
- Positioning accuracy over entire workspace: 20 ppm (0.002%)
- Maximum traverse speed per axis: 9000/mm/min (=150 mm/s)
- Maximum working speed per axis: 9000/mm/min (=150 mm/s), individual setting on a per-tool basis, independent from traverse speed
- Drill speed: 5 hits/s (=18000 holes per hour)
These two samples show that our cnc machines also route thick aluminum boards. You can adjust the perfect cutting speed for every router diameter via software by adjusting spindle speed and horizontal and vertical feed. Deep routings can be easily achieved with automatic iterations.
Technical Data:
- Power supply: 110-240 V, 50-60 Hz + vacuum cleaner (500-2000W)
- Size: approx. 70 x 55 cm
- Required desktop size: approx. 80 x 80 cm
- Weight: approx. 32 kg
Computer not included